7 Easy Ways Caregivers Can Use Technology to Keep Loved Ones Safe

More at... http://thecaregiverspace.org/7-easy-ways-caregivers-can-use-technology-to-keep-loved-ones-safe/ Technology and caregiving are generally combined to improve the lives of care receivers and caregivers, improving convenience, ...
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The solution to multiple prescription drugs

More at... http://youtu.be/vt_FtcqiA_E http://youtu.be/vt_FtcqiA_E How to solve prescription drug use through finding the cause of the symptoms.... Read More
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NPH: The Alzheimer's Imposter

More at... http://youtu.be/Id-w3CIXJeA http://youtu.be/Id-w3CIXJeA NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS: What if someone you know was diagnosed with Alzheimer's but really has a ...
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The Face of Lewy Body: Building Your Care Partner Team

More at... http://www.transitionagingparents.com/2017/01/23/the-face-of-lewy-body-building-your-care-partner-team/ In my ongoing “Face of Lewy Body” series, I want to talk about a very important concept, ...
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Capturing Your Loved One’s Story – In Their Voice

More at... http://www.transitionagingparents.com/2017/03/03/capturing-your-loved-ones-story-in-their-voice/ Is there any greater treasure than to hear your loved one’s voice after they have passed away? ...
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The Balancing Act of Caregiving and Career

More at... https://www.caregiverstress.com/stress-management/situations/the-balancing-act-of-caregiving-and-career/ As our society ages and lives longer, the need for caregivers continues to climb. Most often this ...
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Caring for Mom or Dad in Your Own Home

More at... https://thecaregiversvoice.com/tips-caregivers/caring-for-mom-or-dad-in-your-own-home/ Mom (or Dad) is Moving in With Us I would never place Mom in a nursing home! ...
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How to find the right medical alert for your loved one

More at... http://www.transitionagingparents.com/2017/03/06/how-to-find-the-right-medical-alert-for-your-loved-one/ On the day before I was to meet with a dear friend who was declining in health ...
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Navigating A Hospital Stay: A guide for caregivers and patients with cognitive loss

More at... http://thecaregiverspace.org/navigating-a-hospital-stay-a-guide-for-caregivers-and-patients-with-cognitive-loss/ Most patients and their loved ones experience a wide range of emotions when confronted with a hospital ...
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AV Node Re-entrant Tachycardia

More at... http://youtu.be/-BJ7YOpP2JU http://youtu.be/-BJ7YOpP2JU In this white board session, cardiologist and electrophysiologist Dr. Tchou, describes an irregular heartbeat that occurs ...
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