Thanks for visiting our about us page. The American Caregiver Association is the national certifying organization for caregivers and the largest caregiver body in the world with affiliates in a number of countries who carry out the mission of the American Caregiver Association. We were founded by experienced healthcare professionals that have worked in the caregiver field for more than 45 years. In taking the lead as the national accrediting body for caregivers long ago, the primary role of the American Caregiver Association is to educate and certify elderly caregivers. We certify for a variety a reasons, to include work, insurance, private duty/self-employed caregiving and family caregiving.
There is an ever-increasing need for caregivers. And, the American Caregiver Association is here to meet your caregiver certification needs with our national caregiver certification course and our other great course offerings. Get national caregiver certification here. To see our entire catalogue of videos please visit our YouTube channel here.
The American Caregiver Association remains steadfast and motivated through the strong leadership that our founders brought to our organization in our collective effort to promote the well-being of our elders through compassion and education. As such, the American Caregiver Association welcomes your comments and suggestions in helping us along this path. Likewise, we wish you all the best in your endeavors, in career and in life.
Our Services
Volunteer and Charity Work
The entire staff of the American Caregiver Association (ACA) is made up of experienced volunteers that have worked in every facet of the caregiver industry. As such, the ACA makes it our top priority to volunteer in the community in helping our seniors with the struggles and challenges that they face. Much of our work involves charity events and fund raising efforts to support the work that the ACA is doing to improve the quality of life for our aging community. It is our honor to serve those who hearts and minds came before us, and it is an equally great honor to be thanked by those that we try to help on our way toward the accomplishment of the Mission and Vision of the ACA.
Promotion of the Caregiver Profession
An important part of the American Caregiver Association's role as the national caregiver certifying organization is to support caregivers and the profession of caregiving by helping to promote the importance of the job of caregiving. Another role that the American Caregiver Association plays as the leading caregiver association in the United States and around the globe, is in raising the bar in terms of professionalizing the field of caregiving. One way we do this is by being the first and only organization to offer national caregiver certification. Both roles help bring awareness to caregiver issues as well those issues involving our seniors, which is where the focus should be.
Membership has its benefits. As such, the American Caregiver Association personally invites you to become a member of our association. The benefit of becoming a member of the ACA are far reaching in that first, your tuition is used to create awareness of both caregiver issues as well as the challenges that our seniors face as they age and ultimately live out the remainder of their lives in their own homes, or within an assisted living facility.
Membership with the American Caregiver Association is only $50.00 annually and is renewable in the month in which you became a member on the following year. Upon receipt of your membership dues we will send you a welcome letter that indicates your specific membership number and enter you into our National Caregiver Registry as a member of the ACA. We will also send you a certified member certificate with our membership seal indicating that you are a member of the American Caregiver Association. To become a member of the ACA visit our membership page here.
Caregiver Certification
Have you been asking yourself how to become a caregiver?
Are you curious about how to become a certified care giver?
Have you been looking for a caregiver certification course or a caregiver certificate?
Have you wondered about how to become an elderly caregiver?
Have you said to yourself, "how can I become a caregiver?"
If you have asked yourself any of the above questions and have not been sure where to turn for information, you have found the right place!

National Caregiver Certification Course (NCCC)
The American Caregiver Association is the National Standard for caregiver certification in the United States. As the national caregiver certifying organization for caregivers we are proud to offer national caregiver certification as a way to help you advance your career. As our elderly population continues to grow exponentially so does the demand for qualified and knowledgeable certified caregivers, along with the continued requirements for caregiver certification at the national level. As such, acquiring caregiver certification on a national level puts you one step ahead of everyone else due to the name recognition, reputation and credibility of the American Caregiver Association.
Moreover, when you acquire National Caregiver Certification it places you above other caregivers in the field you are competing against for employment. National caregiver certification is the expectation and the requirement in the industry today. Therefore, we strongly urge you to keep this in mind as you look to advance your career in the health care field, and as a caregiver more specifically. Having our certification on your resume simply puts you ahead of the game now, and in the long term.
The ACA is committed to providing you with the opportunity to become a nationally certified caregiver, and get a jump start on your career, or add to your existing resume/CV. In doing so, you also place yourself in a select group of caregivers that are setting the standard for the industry. Likewise, you help promote an improved quality of life for our seniors. Additional benefits of becoming a nationally certified caregiver with the ACA include increased status, potential for greater opportunity and the respect of those in the health care industry who believe that being a part of an organization like the ACA is critical to promotion and well-being of our seniors and the caregiver profession as a whole.
After you complete any ACA caregiver course your name and unique student ID number are entered into our National Caregiver Registry (NCR), identifying you as a nationally certified caregiver with the ACA. Subsequently, when prospective employers or other individuals contact us to verify your status in the NCR we are able to confirm that you have completed our caregiver course and are a nationally certified caregiver with the ACA. To purchase our national caregiver certification course (NCCC) please visit our online store above, or go to our homepage. Get national caregiver certification here
Good luck, and please email us through our contact link page at [email protected] above, or call us toll free at (800) 625-8108 should you have any questions.
American Caregiver Association