SPREAD THE WORD! Over $1700 raised!

More at... http://youtu.be/x9EZtxkS_CY http://youtu.be/x9EZtxkS_CY We're deeply grateful for our INCREDIBLE community of caregivers who has helped us so much. We've ...
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How to Avoid Weight Gain During the Holiday Season

More at... http://youtu.be/jqYoRD0WihY http://youtu.be/jqYoRD0WihY Caregivers! Learn from fitness expert PhysEd about weight gain during the holiday season. Learn how you ...
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If I Could

More at... https://thecaregiverspace.org/if-i-could/ I lost my husband on October 3rd 2017, after many health issues since 2007… Stroke, heart attack, ...
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How to become a member of The Caregiver Space (in 1 min)

More at... http://youtu.be/QrbQhoxzB9I http://youtu.be/QrbQhoxzB9I A 1 min how-to video on starting your account at http://www.TheCaregiverSpace.org.... Read More
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Three of My Language Pet Peeves

More at... http://thecaregiversvoice.com/avadian-musings/three-of-my-english-language-pet-peeves/ What is the origin of these three English-language pet peeves? Could it be as a caregiver, I ...
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Caregiver Support: How Allie Got Involved

More at... http://youtu.be/82EMMTaY3G4 http://youtu.be/82EMMTaY3G4 Providing caregiver support is Allie Axel's priority. Allie has been with The Caregiver Space from the ...
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Chocolate and Vascular Dementia

More at... http://youtu.be/n7BJTd6HW-M http://youtu.be/n7BJTd6HW-M The benefits of cocoa's flavanol phytonutrients is an important idea. When you leave out the sugar ...
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Despite Boost In Social Security, Rising Medicare Part B Costs Leave Seniors In Bind

More at... https://thecaregiverspace.org/despite-boost-in-social-security-rising-medicare-part-b-costs-leave-seniors-in-bind/ Judith Graham Millions of seniors will soon be notified that Medicare premiums for physicians’ services are rising ...
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The people who help you die better

More at... https://thecaregiverspace.org/the-people-who-help-you-die-better/ A network of compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is allowing more people in Kerala, India, ...
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When to Avoid Turmeric in Fighting Alzheimer's

More at... http://youtu.be/QwR8ilU5OsI http://youtu.be/QwR8ilU5OsI Turmeric, and its curcumin extract, have been found to be a great source of neuroprotection in ...
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