The following Terms and Conditions apply to the use of this Web site as well as all transactions conducted through the site.
Refund Policy
There will be no refunds provided after the purchase of any course or membership. The American Caregiver Association will also not provide any refunds to any individual or organization who has received or acquired any certification, membership, ID card or hard copy certificate from the American Caregiver Association.
Annual Renewal and Late Fee Policy
Annual renewal is required for your certification which is standard practice in the healthcare industry in order to maintain your certification. Please visit our renewal page in our Online Store to view the certification renewal fees. There will be a $10 late fee assessed to any certification renewal/s that is more than 6 months past due. The late fee is subject to change at any time.
Certification Renewal Dates (CRD)
Your Certification Renewal Date (CRD) is one year from the date of purchase of your course/s unless it has been more than six month since you purchased our course/s. If you complete your course/s six (6) months or more after your date of purchase then you will receive a new CRD based on your date of completion of your course/s.
National Caregiver Registry
When you acquire national caregiver certification from the American Caregiver Association you are nationally certified, so you are in the National Caregiver Registry, not the state registry. In order to obtain entry into most state registries you generally need to be certified at the state level as a caregiver. So, there are two different levels of formal caregiver certification (national and state) and thus two separate registry.
Also note that most state caregiver registries are commonly overseen by the state's department of health and/or nursing board. Also keep in mind that not every state has a state registry. It does vary between the 50 states, as each state is sovereign and makes their own rules and regulations when it comes to certification.
General Information Concerning State vs. National Certification
There are two (2) formal types or levels of caregiver certification, state and national. The ACA is the parent and national certifying body for caregivers, assisted living managers and facilities, but we are not affiliated with the states. States are sovereign entities and may require other things at the local level such as state level caregiver certification, CEUs, and/or additional training which we cannot control for at the national level. So, it is not a matter of who would accept national certification or accreditation, but rather another level of certification, as is the case with many trades/professions (e.g., local, state, national certification).
Although the American Caregiver Association is the national certifying organization for caregivers, certification alone is also no guarantee of employment. Certification, by itself is not an 'all-encompassing' certification that can be applied in every venue. For example, some health health companies and other organizations require state level certification and are part of a state level caregiver registry; often times because they receive Medicaid funds from their clients, and this may require state level caregiver certification to receive Medicaid funds from the state.
Further, if you plan to work for a facility or agency that bills Medicaid and/or Medicare for client care, you may need state in-person training due to Federal and State reimbursement guidelines. This type of training cannot generally be obtained online. We recommend that you contact your local state department of health or potential employer for state level training resources. Remember, it is your responsibility to confirm with your employer or prospective employer what specific 'type' (e.g., state or national) of caregiver certification that they require prior to purchasing any caregiver course or course offering from the American Caregiver Association.
Last, it's important to note that people take our courses for different reasons. While some might desire our certification to enhance their resume or increase their opportunities for employment, others might simply want to learn more about how to care for a loved one still living at home. Still others, may acquire national certification with us because a client's insurance company requires it, or because it's a continuing education requirement (e.g., CEU). And, there are those who want to start their own private duty caregiver services business. So, there are a number of reasons why individuals obtain certification with us, not always because they are seeking employment as a caregiver, or have to meet a state requirement, etc.
It's worth mentioning again, that certification alone is no guarantee of employment, but rather the first step toward pursuing a career as a caregiver. There are a host of other variables that factor into the employment equation. These things include your background, work history, job references, experience and even how to 'present' yourself prior to, and during the application and interview processes. All of these things play a role in whether or not you are better able to position yourself for an opportunity, and ought to be given careful consideration as you look to find gainful employment
Finally, note that as a responsible consumer it is expected that you have done your due diligence and research prior to making any purchase through our website. As such, the American Caregiver Association
Consumer Agreement
As a responsible consumer it is expected and required that you have done your due diligence and research prior to making any purchase on our website. The American Caregiver Association will not be held responsible for a buyer’s lack of due diligence or research prior to making a purchase on our website. Likewise, the American Caregiver Association will not be held liable or for any reason for a buyer's lack of due diligence and research prior to making a purchase on our website.
As such, you agree not to pursue any lawsuit, criminal, civil charges against the American Caregiver Association for any reason. You also hereby agree not to seek any type of compensation from the American Caregiver Association for any reason as a result of your failure or another (e.g., third party) buyer's failure to perform the proper research and determining what may or may not be required by a prospective employer or current employer.
All brand, product, service, and process names appearing on this Web site are trademarks of their respective holders. Reference to or use of a product, service, or process does not imply recommendation, approval, affiliation, or sponsorship of that product, service, or process by American Caregiver Association. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right of American Caregiver Association or any third party, except as expressly granted herein.