Certificate of Personal Development Offers Gateway into 'Self' for Caregivers

We are so excited about our new Certificate of Personal Development Certification Course (Level 1) because it genuinely opens the door to a whole new world for the caregiver.  As caregivers, we so often get caught up in the clinical side of caregiving, or all of the ‘issues’ surrounding caregiving, and we end up forgetting to CARE for ourselves. In fact, caregivers are notorious for neglecting themselves to the point of illness.

What the Caregiver Certificate of Personal Development Course (Level 1) does is provide a starting point for caregivers to begin to examine themselves as a human being first, then working to make improvements in those areas that need to be strengthened. As the caregiver begins the process of self-improvement, the caregiver ever so incrementally begins to see where they must get better. In turn, the caregiver begins to realize that the idea of ‘improvement’ itself, impacts how they perform their work as a caregiver, and that “getting better” means becoming a better caregiver too.

In time, the caregiver, it is hoped, understands the relevance of self-improvement beyond the slogan of just “getting better.” That is, the caregiver must focus their energies on the more substantive and tangible elements of caregiving as processed in real time. In more simple terms, this means how the caregiver carries out their duties each and every day. And, this will be a unique experience to each caregiver. The same is true of those in the care of the care provider who is working to improve.

The Caregiver Certificate of Personal Development Course (Level 1) is designed to introduce to the caregiver, the critical nature, and necessity of self-improvement. We should always being doing better, not ‘trying’ better.  Our personal development course points out that “talk is cheap”, and it truly is. Talk without action amounts to nothing. When we talk about personal growth and development it starts and essentially stops with action. We say we want to improve, then what?


We say that we want to improve in an area of our life, the what?


You see, talk must be followed up with our actions in order to become real. The Caregiver Certificate of Personal Development Course (Level 1) will walk the caregiver through a basic process for doing just this. In subsequent personal development courses we will continue to develop the ideas discussed in the Level 1 course, and we will expand on some topics and introduce new ones.

Finally, it’s important to point out that the subject of personal development is not a subject that is extensively covered when it comes to caregiver training and education. As the national certifying body for caregivers, the American Caregiver Association has taken on the role and responsibility of promoting caregiver personal development because we believe that it is vitally important for both the caregiver and those they care for.

To pick up the Certificate of Personal Development Course (Level 1) Click Here. Questions about any of our certification courses? Don’t hesitate to visit our website at www.americancaregiverassociation.org, or call us at 1-800-625-8108.