Walking Pain-Free Again After Hip Replacements

American Caregiver Association

After hip replacement surgeries, Mara Olson feels no pain and is back to the activities she enjoys. That’s just the result her surgeon and her two dogs wanted for her. Mara Olson and her dogs, Ellie and Tea, had a good thing going. Every day, they’d walk in the fields behind her home. Then one…

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Care Coordination Puts Jim on the Path to Recovery

American Caregiver Association

After Jim Hauck sustained serious injuries from a car accident in Nevada, Mayo Post Acute Care helped him return home, where he continues to recover and heal. Jim Hauck wasn’t sure where he was when he woke up in a hospital in February 2019. The 52-year-old Eau Claire, Wisconsin, resident had been in a serious…

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Orthopedic Surgery at Mayo Clinic Ends Nurse’s Hip and Knee Pain

American Caregiver Association

Jesse Stewart with Bruce DeGrote Jesse Stewart couldn’t understand why the seven orthopedic surgeries he’d had for pain in one knee and both hips hadn’t done anything to improve his quality of life. After coming to Mayo Clinic, however, Jesse found the answer to that question, and he finally received surgery that fixed the problems.…

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The Power of an Upbeat Attitude Shines Through in Physical Therapy

American Caregiver Association

How a person feels mentally and emotionally can make a big difference in the course of physical therapy. For Carl Hohman, the bond he’s formed with his rehabilitation team helps keep his spirits high. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is an incurable disease of the brain and spinal cord that can cause permanent damage to the nerves.…

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Impromptu Evaluation Uncovers Life-Threatening Heart Disease

American Caregiver Association

Greg VanBellinger knew from family history that he was at risk for heart disease, but as a fitness enthusiast who stayed on top of his medical appointments, he believed his heart was in good shape. An offhand decision to participate in a fitness evaluation at Mayo Clinic, however, revealed that Greg’s heart was not as…

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Elated After Life-Changing Orthopedic Surgery

American Caregiver Association

For four years, Mallory Owens lived in a world of pain. Constant, intense shoulder pain interfered with her work and disrupted her sleep. Mallory’s search for a way out of the pain led her to a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon who finally was able to offer the solution Mallory needed. Mallory Owens had been to…

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Rising Above Two Challenging Health Conditions

American Caregiver Association

For years, Joey Del Toro has lived with medical conditions that have affected his abilities and appearance. But Joey hasn’t let his health concerns define him. Instead, he’s focused his energy on moving beyond them and excelling at the sports he loves. The landscape of Joey Del Toro’s youth was colored by medical experiences. Treatments…

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