Archive for July 2022
Dr. Amy Pollak – Peripheral artery disease can signal cardiovascular trouble
Dr. Amy Pollak – Peripheral artery disease can signal cardiovascular trouble Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects 8–10 million people in the U.S., most over the age of 65. But it also affects younger people who have additional risk factors, such as diabetes, smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure. Cholesterol plaque builds up in artery walls,…
Read MoreSticking to Your Medication Regimen | RA Wellness Plan
RA meds are the path to remission, but can you ever take less? Or even a drug holiday?
Read MoreThe Impact of Postoperative Complications After Cardiac Surgery on Long-Term Survival
In this video, Juan Crestanello, MD, Department Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery in Rochester, MN, discusses the impact of postoperative complications after cardiac surgery on long-term survival. Get all the information about this procedure here: Visit Mayo Clinic: Like Mayo Clinic on Facebook: Follow Mayo Clinic on Instagram: Follow Mayo Clinic on Twitter:
Read MoreFDA Approves First Treatment for Alopecia #shorts
The FDA has approved the first treatment for alopecia areata, a sometimes disfiguring condition that can cause hair loss over the entire body, most noticeably patchy baldness on the head, sometimes including the loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. #alopecia #shorts #hairloss
Read MoreHow to Balance Your Gut Health #shorts
Your gut is home to an ecosystem of bacteria, viruses and fungi called the gut microbiome. That may sound bad, but it’s really good for your overall health. When it’s in balance, you feel great. But when something goes wrong, it rocks your world. Robynne Chutkan, MD, author of The Microbiome Solution, talks about how…
Read MoreNordic Walking Beats Other Workouts for Heart Health: Study #shorts
A new study in people with heart disease shows that Nordic walking – think cross-country skiing without the skis – improved their mental and physical health more than other types of workouts. The researchers used a 6-minute walk test to measure 130 study participants’ "functional capacity," which looks at how much effort a person can…
Read MoreWhat Health Care Is Available if You’re Experiencing Homelessness? #shorts
Accessing necessary health care is just one of the many challenges faced when you’re without a home, but there are options available to make sure that you get the care that you need. First, understand that you’re not alone: More than half a million people in the U.S. don’t have access to reliable housing. Whether…
Read MoreHow to Bathe Your Dog #shorts
Bathing your dog is essential for maintaining the health of their skin and coat of fur. How often should you bathe your dog and how can you make the process easier? These dog bath time tips help you get started. #bathing #puppytips #shorts
Read MoreDementia Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency, Study Shows #shorts
Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of dementia, according to a recent study published in TheAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Boosting low vitamin D levels to normal ranges could help protect the brain against a loss of thinking skills as people age, the study authors wrote. #dementia #vitamind #getoutside #shorts
Read MoreDog Water Safety #shorts
Water can be a great source of fun for you and your dog. Before you take your pooch out for a paddle, though, make sure you know how to keep things safe. Swimming You might think canines are natural-born swimmers, but that isn’t always the case. There’s no sure way to gauge your pal’s swimming…
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