What it’s Like to Live With Multiple Myeloma | Health Discovered

This rare form of blood cancer causes plasma cells in your bone marrow to grow out of control. Kate Harris, who was diagnosed after a routine blood test, gives us insight into what it’s really like to live with this condition. Then Joseph Mikhael, MD, chief medical officer for the International Myeloma Foundation, joins us…

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Flu levels high, vaccinations rates low among pregnant women

For the safety of its patients, staff and visitors, Mayo Clinic has strict masking policies in place. Anyone shown without a mask was recorded prior to COVID-19 or recorded in an area not designated for patient care, where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed. FOR THE PUBLIC: More health and medical news on…

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One in Ten Adults Worldwide Have Diabetes #shorts

One in 10 adults worldwide currently have diabetes, and these numbers are only expected to increase over the coming decades, according to the new International Diabetes Federation’s Diabetes Atlas. Tips to Tackle Your Fears Diabetes doesn’t have to be scary. What questions should you ask to ease worries and take the guesswork away from managing…

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Best Practices for Insurance Companies Regarding Caregiver Certification

Best Practices for Insurance Companies Regarding Caregiver Certification What are the best practices for insurance companies regarding caregiver certification? As the national certifying organization for caregivers, the American Caregiver Association certifies caregivers for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons the ACA certifies is for insurance, both private insurance and long-term care insurance.…

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Wrap-around rehab reaps results

It was May 25, 2021. After Tom Lansing of Stewartville, Minnesota, mowed his mom’s yard, the then 59-year-old decided it was a perfect late afternoon for a motorcycle ride. So he revved up his Harley Davidson Ultra Classic and pulled onto the country road in front of his house. A little more than a mile…

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Surprising Uses for Lavender #shorts

You’ve probably never heard your doctor shout, “Quick, get the lavender!” But this purple flowering plant may be a powerful healer. One small study found that lavender essential oil relieved soreness and redness for women who had episiotomies, vaginal cuts made to deliver babies. Another study showed that inhaling lavender essence, aka aromatherapy, eased pain…

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Short Walks After Meals Can Cut Diabetes, Heart Risks: Study #shorts

Taking a brief walk after eating can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart problems, according to a recent study published in Sports Medicine. Light walking after a meal – even for 2 to 5 minutes – can reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, the researchers found. Blood sugar levels spike after…

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