Archive for December 2022
Tracheostomy (For Parents)
Source: Nemours FoundationRelated MedlinePlus Pages: Critical Care, Tracheal Disorders
Read MoreCrizanlizumab for People With Sickle Cell Disease
Source: Nemours FoundationRelated MedlinePlus Pages: Sickle Cell Disease
Read MoreTreating Fever in Children #shorts
Call 911 if the child: Is limp or unresponsive Is having trouble breathing Is vomiting and has a headache or a stiff neck Has blue lips or skin Has a rash that looks like bruises and the bruises don’t go white when pressed Has a seizure A high temperature can be alarming, but in an…
Read MoreMayo Clinic cooks: Holiday dish for all
Finding a recipe that fits everyone’s dietary needs and tastebuds can be challenging and frustrating, especially during a busy holiday season. Jen Welper, a wellness executive chef with the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, has a sweet potato quinoa cake recipe that is standout. The kids will love it. The family will love it. Guests will devour it.…
Read MoreIn Pursuit of Wellness Series: Healing Hearts Holistically
Discover our story in the online series #InPursuitOfWellness as we explore the importance and impact of wellness in the field of cardiology from Dr. Stephen Kopecky and Dr. Elijah Behr. This video was produced for Mayo Clinic by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions.
Read MoreKnow the signs of strep throat in children
For the safety of its patients, staff and visitors, Mayo Clinic has strict masking policies in place. Anyone shown without a mask was recorded prior to COVID-19 or recorded in an area not designated for patient care, where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed. FOR THE PUBLIC: More health and medical news on…
Read MoreThe Fight for Equity in Multiple Myeloma Care | Health Discovered
The journey to a multiple myeloma diagnosis can be a long one. That’s especially true for people of color, who are often diagnosed late in the course of the disease. Why does this happen? What can we do about it? We talk to Robert Brooks, who’s working to raise awareness of multiple myeloma after his…
Read MoreWhat is Menopause
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Menopause?
Miso Soup: Is It Good for You? #shorts
Miso soup comes from Japan and is a common companion to sushi and rice dishes. In Japanese, “miso” means “fermented beans.” Miso is made from soybeans, which are rich in protein and other important nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet. It is the primary ingredient in miso soup, along with additions that help make…
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