‘BE FAST’: Time and Support Key for Younger Stroke Patients #shorts

The morning of his stroke, Evan Parker woke up feeling ill at ease. He recalls he was drinking a cup of coffee at about 9 a.m. He had noticed a slight headache for the past few days, but now it was much worse. He sensed “a wave just washed over” him and went to get a glass of water.

When Parker arrived at his job for an agricultural retail firm in Lafayette, LA, his boss immediately noticed the telltale symptom of a stroke. “And she said, ‘Oh my God, Evan, your face is drooping.’” Parker dismissed her concern. He was only 27 at the time and having a stroke was just about the last thing on his mind.

“I didn’t have any idea because I had never known anyone my age to have something like that happen,” Parker said. “Older people that I had known that had strokes, it would happen in their sleep and things. A lot of older people I had known had died as a result of it.” #strokeawareness #befast #brainhealth #savealife #stroke #webmd