Peripheral Neuroanatomy for Neurologists: Foundational Arm and Brachial Plexus (video 1/7)
Welcome to this educational video series on peripheral neuroanatomy for neurologists. The Foundational videos focus on the core muscles and nerves assessed in a standard neurological examination. The Intermediate videos expand on this information and are especially helpful for interpreting electromyography (EMG) reports. The Advanced videos provide a comprehensive level of information of peripheral neuroanatomy for neurologists.
In these videos, we first draw a diagram of the neuroanatomy so you have a roadmap to visualize the pathways. Next, we write out a table together to organize the information. Last, we demonstrate the neuroanatomy in the context of a neurological examination and offer suggestions on how to skillfully perform the exam.
Demonstrated in this video: deltoid, biceps, triceps, wrist extensors (extensor carpi radialis and ulnaris), finger extensors, finger spread (interossei/abductor digiti minimi), finger flexors (flexor digitorum profundus), thumb abduction (abductor pollicis brevis).
00:00 Intro
01:05 Draw neuroanatomy diagram
04:00 Write out a table
07:50 Reflexes & Strength Scoring Scales
12:29 Strength exam demo
19:03 Strength exam pearls
20:20 Stroke-focused exam demo
21:22 Tone demo
22:22 Reflexes demo
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