Official Caregiver Certifying Organization in the United States, the American Caregiver Association

Hi everyone. In this day and age of high speed technology and a more connected world it may seem strange to consider that many Americans, home health organizations and insurance companies remain unaware about caregiver certification and accreditation at the national level. More specifically, they are unaware of who the “final authority” is as it concerns a national certifying body for caregivers.

The American Caregiver Association also receives thousands upon thousands of inquiries about caregiver certification. Frequently, the inquiries will ask who the final authority is. So, without further ado here we go…

The American Caregiver Association is the Official national certifying body for caregivers.

The American Caregiver Association is the only Official national certifying body for caregivers.

Okay, there, we got that out of the way. Whew!

This post serves as an official communication between the American Caregiver Association and our fellow Americans, insurance organizations, home health companies and all other respective entities that should know what the role of the ACA is. Should you have any questions about the role or scope of the ACA please contact us either by email at [email protected], or call us at 1-800-625-8108.